
For A Great Work, LLC

#MotivationalWisdom Straight-Talk Episode - Forward-Thinking

"Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)

Today, I am going to start with this quote the Lord gave to me, “The thinking patterns will either produce growth or resonate into silos.” Just reflect on this for a moment. Now, the definition of forward-thinking means 1) The act of planning or tending to plan for the future, forward-looking; 2) Favoring innovation and development; progressive; and 3) A system of thinking that takes the future into consideration and evaluates the current situation. Let’s examine the definition of silos. Silos mean 1) A system, process or department that operates in isolation; 2) An underground chamber in which a guided missile is kept ready for firing; and 3) A silo mentality reluctance to share information, reduces efficiency and organization culture.  

In the context of the scripture, unveils the importance of being able to evaluate a current situation, forgetting the current situation, forward-thinking to see a greater purpose into the future, and the ability to press into the future. This also teaches an individual that thinking is a pattern of systems in the mind. From this thinking, the pattern is the division of either a forward-thinking mentality in development or a silo mentality (cult-like) of reluctance to change. The outcome of silos, a stagnated purpose fulfilled, effecting every area in a person’s life, and a falsification progression of growth both mentally and spiritually.

Let’s examine forward-thinking
Forward-Thinking. It is the PRESS for a greater purpose, that fights to pursue greater meaning, fights for the greater in humanity, and fights for the greater future of tomorrow. It is this PRESS of forward-thinking that pushes an individual in the thinking pattern, what they would be thinking normally begins to evaluate the systems and patterns in.

I have always said, "there is nothing new in the business world that did not take portions of the Bible to incorporate into business system practices." However, over time, the systems became faulty because human error diluted the biblical principles into unproductive practical living overall. What does this mean?  If you take a battery out of a cell phone it will not operate at all even with the trillions of wifi connections operating universally. Likewise, if you do not charge a cell phone it will not operate at all. The same in practices of business using only portions of biblical principles. This includes the church body!

The question presented, do you have a forward-thinking mentality or a silo mentality?

Life Lessons to Remember

  1. To have a forward-thinking mentality you have to be able to forget those things behind. Yesterday, last week, last year, or even ten years.
  2. You have to be able to see into the future for a greater purpose. This is connected to a vision mentality person. 
  3. You have to be able to examine your current situation to look forward to where you want to be in life and purpose. Not letting people stop you.
  4. Press forward, press toward the purpose, press toward the goal, press toward the prize connected to purpose. The Press dividing point of greater in purpose.
  5. The ability to see upward and beyond with Jesus Christ as the center. It is this forward, which has an agreement and covenant (promises) from the Kingdom of God.

Mediate on this life lesson as a personal reflection of where you are in life. Where you want to be in life. Development growth needed and “if” meaningful purpose has been stopped because of the silo mentality. REFLECT, ACTION! REFLECT, FORWARD! REFLECT, PURPOSE! It will make/take a transition into uncertainty, but the purpose is connected to forward-thinking of greater.

Be Blessed and stay connected to Jesus,

Lady Cynthia R. Kelly
God's Humble Servant
Evangelist - International Author
Host #MotivationalWisdom Podcast

eLearners and Podcast Learners, 675, 2018-2022. For Booking Motivational Speaking Engagements and Workshop Facilitation of Episode, contact or (925) 392-5005

  • Motivational Wisdom Straight-Talk - Forward-Thinking8:34