
For A Great Work, LLC


“But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” (Hebrews 13:16)

Today, we are going to examine the word “communicate” and how it relates to the practical and biblical principles for “Spiritual” growth. In essence,“communicate” is the ability humans have to transmit information. Communicate is to share in common; Participate in;
Impart; Bestow; Convey; To make known; To communicate information to anyone; A system of communication using the whole body; Verbal contact; Body motions; Transfer to another; Administer; Breathe; Broadcast; Conversations; Suggest; Diffuse; Intelligence; Take counsel with; Advice; and To join or connect. In the business world, it is called “Effective Communication” a key leadership, employee, and development goal to communicate clearly, accurately, and concisely with all people. To “communicate” is a direct connection between “Effective Communication” in the ability to adjust to cultural differences in dealing with people to effectively meet the needs in building relationships and partnerships. However, there is “positive communication” and “negative communication,” both are known by the message and actions conveyed. Resulting in honor or dishonor.

In the context of the scripture, The Apostle, wrote to instruct humanity the necessity of communicating with people to bring honor to God and oneself, not neglecting the foundational principle of love. For instance, personally, I call this “Watch-What-You-Say-And-Do.” It is the ability to value relationships, practice and discipline oneself from destructive actions, convey the right message through appropriate speech, body language, written, and listen before reacting. It is an in-depth ability to know “communication” deals with the totality of a person, whether good or bad. Thought to ponder: To “communicate” is beyond mere words or deeds; it is the ability to effectively meet the need of the soul and body impacting with life. Thus, transforming the “3Es” channel: Encouragement, Empowerment, and Endowment. At this level, it denounces self-gratification, platforms of fame,  platforms of control, for the greater of humanity.

What lessons can be learned about “communicate” and “effective communication?” There are five (5) important lessons. Discovering the “Truth” in “Listen” “Speak” “Gestures” “Written” and “How”

Lessons Learned About Communicate and Effective Communication:

  1. Listen is the ability to hear what is being said, discern the importance of what is being said, and evaluate an appropriate response “if” needed. The “listen” approach at times is just silence to discern. It is the first step in communicating effectively and a sacrifice. How will I discipline myself to listen before responding? How will I guard my “ears” and train my “mind” to think before responding? How will I evaluate the way I communicate? What available resources will I use to be an effective listener? (Leadership Self-Management Discipline & Humility)
  2. Speak is to communicate verbally. The verbal “communication” is the ability to first listen to what is being said before responding. It is the second step in communicating effectively and must crucial that can utterly destroy or make a person. It takes an in-depth ability to discipline the tongue under the subjection of Godly conversations. How will I choose my “words” carefully? How will I guard my tongue” against speaking death? How will I practice humility in communicating to people? What results from my speech is evident? (Leadership Self-Management Discipline & Humility)
  3. Gestures are actions and expressions of the body. To “gesture” is a nonverbal form of language but extremely effective or ineffective in unveiling a person. It is the third step in communicating effectively, often used as forms of control, compassion, persuasion, authoritative, marketing, and humility. Gestures deals with the total body from facial expressions to expressions with postures of the body, hands, and legs/feet. It takes “true” discipline, humility, and sacrifice to convey the right message without saying a word. You have to watch what body language is used because it can be discerned. How will I appropriately communicate with my body? What message do other people have from my body language? How will I guard my “eyes” against inappropriate body language content? How will I respond? How will I use available resources to present myself appropriately to make a positive impact? (Leadership Self-Management Discipline & Humility)
  4. Written is a form of communicating in writing? The “written” communication is characterized by a spoken message or spoken language transferred in writing. It is the last step in communicating effectively, however, equally as important as verbal communication, to convey the right or wrong message. Written communication is often used as persuasion, encouragement, instruction, and falsification to either enlighten or detour the thoughts of people. How will I communicate the right written message? How will I train my mind, eyes, and hands to engage in appropriate written content? What available resources and tools will I use to develop positive written communication? How is my writing affecting people? Is it negative or positive? Is my written communication honorable or dishonorable in the sight of God and man? (Leadership Self-Management Discipline & Humility)
  5. Truth is always revealed in a person's ability to effectively communicate. Revealing the “true” character of a person’s heart of honesty, dishonesty, or control? To “communicate” will always outweigh good deeds because it is the “behavior” revealing a person’s soul. How will I submit in humility from negative communication? How will I surrender my will to God’s Will? How and when will I take a self-examination to change and transform for the greater? (Courage Leadership & Behavioral Management)

In closing, know to effectively “communicate” is a sacrificial virtue of “true” love and specifically deals with a person’s behavior; Know a person’s “soul” is revealed through their communication tactics; Know  to “listen” is to hear, the first step in communication; Know what you “speak” will either bring life or death, choose words wisely; Know the “body language” is important in communicating the right or wrong message; Know “written” communication is as equally powerful as verbal communication; Know to “communicate“ is a culture of life or death; Know you will need 
the courage to change and transform for the greater in preserving human sustainability. Remember, an environment of life is a progressive climate and culture of growth. Change your environment if needed. Change your view if needed. Change your courage if needed. Change your way of communicating if needed. Speak life, grow, and lead! “You Have Value!” “You Have Worth!” “Live With Purpose To Change A Life!” “What Message Do You Convey?

Be Blessed and stay connected to Jesus,

Lady Cynthia R. Kelly
God’s Humble Servant
Evangelist - International Author

eLearners and Podcast Learners, 821, 2017-2022. For Booking Motivational Speaking Engagements and Workshop Facilitation of Episode, contact  

  • Motivational Wisdom Episode - Communicate12:59