
For A Great Work, LLC


“Better is the poor who walks in his integrity than one perverse in his ways, though he be rich.” (Proverbs 28:6)

Today, we are going to examine the word “integrity” and how it relates to the practical and biblical principles for “Spiritual” growth. In essence, “integrity” represents the behavior and character of a person to act honestly or moral.  Integrity is defined as moral soundness, moral excellence, freedom from corrupting influence or motive, trust, and the totality of a person.  In the business world, it is called “ethical behavior” a key component in building relationships and leaders to cross culture barriers to make an effective impact in growth. It is your ability adhering to ethical and moral principles; not comprising personal moral beliefs or ethics under pressure. The “integrity” is a direct connection between the “ethical influence” to act lawfully. What is perverse? Perverse is marked by immorality, deviating from what is considered right or proper, reprobate, surly, untrue, wicked, conflicting, and contentious.  

In the context of the scripture, King Solomon left on record for all people and leadership following him, the importance of building an integrity character, relationships, and partnerships. For instance, personally, I call this “Walking-the-Walk.” It is not just saying something in “good faith” and doing the opposite in immoral acts, but leading by example. Integrity at times is a lonely walk. There is nothing worse than a person talking out both sides of their mouth. Impossible? No. Thought to ponder: Your “integrity” are  pivotal points of separating a “true leader” and “true character.” The breaking point in equilibrium! An individual leadership ability in all of “US.” Not just for the elite.

What lessons can be learned about “integrity” and “ethical behavior?” There are five (5) important lessons. Discovering the “Truth” in “Watch” and “Listen:

Lessons Learned About Integrity and Ethical Behavior

  1. Watch how your acquaintances act and listen to what they say (good or bad influence)
  2. Watch your own behavior, character and listen to what you say (self-examination and identity)
  3. Watch who you build a relationship with and listen to the warning signs (ability to discern right and wrong). Everything that looks good or prosperous, is not compared to “integrity.” How can two walk together unless they agree? Peel back the layers
  4. Watch, listen, and don’t trust everyone. Trust is something that is earned and not given (guard your heart). You have to work and communicate with people daily, but you do not have to become part of an unfruitful circle.
  5. Truth is always revealed through a person's “integrity” and “ethical behavior.” Integrity is priceless.

In closing, choose wisely the people you build relationships with, define “if” you are a “true leader” with integrity as evidence, watch your own behavior and build an identity of integrity, practice making a difference through building bridges of honesty (trust), know you can change the environment by not only the words you speak, but an example or model of integrity. Remember, an environment of life is a progressive climate and culture of growth. Change your character if needed for the greater. Speak life, grow, and lead! “You Have Value!” Is it "Honorable?

Be Blessed and stay connected to Jesus,

Lady Cynthia R. Kelly
God’s Humble Servant
Evangelist - International Author

eLearners and Podcast Learners, 402, 2017-2022. For Booking Motivational Speaking Engagements and Workshop Facilitation of Episode, contact 

  • Motivational Wisdom Episode - Integrity6:47