
For A Great Work, LLC

  • Motivational Wisdom Episode - Justice13:11


"When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. “Whoever strays from the path of prudence comes to rest in the company of the dead.” (Proverbs 21:15-16, NIV)

 Today, we are going to examine the word "justice" and how it relates to the practical and biblical principles for "Spiritual" growth. In essence, "justice" is the quality of being just or fair. Justice is further defined as conformity to the principles of righteousness and rectitude in all things; Strict performance of moral obligations, Practical conformity to human or divine law; Integrity in dealings with each other; Equality; Equity; Conformity to truth, reality in expressing opinions, and conduct; Fair representation of facts; Honesty; Impartiality; Rendering to ever one his due or right; Even-handed; To administer justice; A person duly commissioned to hold courts; The administration of law; Character; Applicability; Cleanness; Virtue; Constitutional validity; Due process; Faith; Hope; Love; Fortitude; Honor; Identity; Moral excellence; and Prudence.

In the business world, it is called "Integrity," the culture and climate of an organization, characterized by ethical, moral, and truthful principles implemented into the fabrication of the organization. A key leadership ability in building a healthy culture and climate growth from impartiality human sustainability globally. The "justice" is a direct connection between "integrity" in the disposition to act honest and honorable with all people, not comprising oneself identity. The "justice" has both a negative and positive approach known by “Man’s Justice” or “God’s Justice,” with evidence in the character, communication, moral state, actions, and environment social health.

In the context of the scripture, King Solomon left on record for all people and leadership the importance of knowing “justice" is the line drawn between right or wrong; life or death; unveiling the “heart” of a person. For instance, personally, I call this, "The-Key-Unlock-And-Release." It is the “Will of the Spirit” to stand and fight for what is just, even when the horizon is belch for oneself. Taking the “Key of Hope” to unlock life through adversity, to release greater change in life. Thought to ponder: "Where there is no “true” justice, life ceases to exist; But where there is justice innumerable paths of life exist with hope to live." It is an in-depth ability to know justice comes daily to each individual with a decision to live honorable to preserve life or surrender to death. This is the crossroads of hope or hopelessness. This disposition has the spirit to triumphant over suppression and oppression. At this level, justice meets with purpose to bridge transformation in life.

What lessons can be learned about "Justice" and "Integrity?" There are five (5) important lessons. Discovering the "Truth" in "Know," "How," and "The Voice of Justice:"

Lessons Learned About Justice and Integrity

  1. Know “true" justice promotes righteousness in all dealings. Separating the mere structure of life into transforming life. How does the circle of influences in my life promote “true” justice? Is it good or bad? "The Voice of Justice" says, I must reflect on the past, present, and future? Repositioning in time to release unlimited possibilities of growth and change in oneself and others. (Self-Reflection Growth and Transformation Change)
  2. Know a person's "character" is unveiled through "true" justice overtime. Marking the validity of the “heart” of a person. How is my character being molded in the face of justice? Is it good or bad? "The Voice of Justice" cry out, I must fight for purpose! I must fight for life! I must fight for truth! I must fight for what is just! I must not succumb to the world dictatorship! (Character Driven Leadership and Ethical Principle Leadership)
  3. Know your "integrity" responses to life through change has honor or dishonor. Honor will always rise at multiple levels to fight for justice and life. Dishonor will rise only to a certain level, turn back to save oneself, and agree with injustice for self-gain or fear. How is the integrity? Is it good or bad? "The Voice of Justice" stands, fighting for honor, fighting for justice, fighting for change, fighting for human sustainability. (Character Driven Leadership and The Three Principles Kelso-Adler of Economic Justice)
  4. Know “true” justice partners with faith, hope, and love; rendering change and transformation in life. It denounces platforms of control mechanisms to seek Prudence (God’s Wisdom) over Man’s Wisdom. How will I humble myself in all honesty and sincerity to seek the Wisdom of God to change my life and the life of people? "The Voice of Justice" cry out, I am more than equality! I am more than equity! I am justice removing all systematic barriers of inequity to paths of hope! (Equality vs. Equity vs. Justice Leadership and Courage Leadership)
  5. Truth is always revealed in a person's inward part with a transparency light of "justice" to replicate life or death. Know justice will end with a “Crown of Life” or “Crown of Death.” Determined by the paths of justice or injustice. What consciousness state is evident through justice according to biblical principles? Positive or negative? How will I end with justice, in the end? "The Voice of Justice" cry out, dignity over darkness! “The Voice of Justice” cry out, Fortitude over oppression! “The Voice of Justice” cry out, conformity of truth over deformity! “The Voice of Justice” cry out, justice over sacrifice! (Courage Leadership and Ethical Principle Leadership)

In closing, know "true" justice virtue is always just and fair; Know everyone has an opportunity to walk in “justice” or injustice in life through change and adversity; Know “righteousness” is the foundation of justice; Know faith, hope, and love, renders "justice" in life with the functionality to live in purpose. Know “character” is unveiled overtime through courage to walk in “true” justice; Know "justice" unveils the intent of a person with transparency through change. Know we all have a choice to turn to "justice" even in the face of injustice; the turning point in life--“Voice of Change.” Know your “integrity” will bring honor or dishonor with a “Crown of Life” or “Crown of Death” in the end; Know your "justice" will be either an agent of healing or hurting; Know “true" justice triumphs over equality and equity, destroying every barrier of inequity or injustice; Know the “Will of the Spirit” to live in justice, resurrects from death to life. Know you are not a product of the environment, you are not a product of life trails, and you are not a product of people. Remember, an environment of life is a progressive climate and culture of growth. Change your environment if needed. Change your view from the valley to the mountain top if needed. Change your justice if needed. Speak life, grow, and lead! "You Have Value!" "You Have Worth!" "You Have Purpose!" "What Justice Do You Have?" "The Voice of Justice,” cry out, there must be righteous change!

Be Blessed and stay connected to Jesus,

Lady Cynthia R. Kelly
God's Humble Servant
Evangelist - International Author

eLearners and Podcast Learners, 362, 2018-2022.For Booking Motivational Speaking Engagements and Workshop Facilitation of Episode, contact