
For A Great Work, LLC

  • Motivational Wisdom Episode - Perseverance4:16


"And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. (Romans 5:3-4)

Today, we are going to examine the word “perseverance” and how it relates to the practical and biblical principles for “Spiritual” growth. In essence, "perseverance" relates to an act of "faith" in pursuing something with endurance to the end no matter the obstacles. Perseverance is like a long distance race with discipline in training to endure to the end. It is the last lap into the finish line, around the last curve on the track, to sprint to win. There is only one winner, but the reality, in this type of race, "if" you cross the finish line, you WIN.

The scripture contexts teach perseverance is the key that produces character and hope. Our trails in life have a way of squeezing out of a person "true" character. This applies to both young people and adults. The question presented today, what are you producing? 

Lessons Learned from Perseverance. Perseverance acronym:

Pray for patience
Exist to live
Remember the test
Strive for perfection
Excel in excellence
Victory in the praise

Endure with grace

Run with endurance
Access your faith in align with God's "Faith"
Never quit
Cleave to what is good
Encourage others every day

In closing, no perseverance, no character, no character, no hope. Leaves an empty shell and soul. Winners, never quit! "You Are A Winner!"

Be Blessed and stay connected to Jesus,

Lady Cynthia R. Kelly
God's Humble Servant
Evangelist - International Author

eLearners and Podcast Learners, (80), 2017-2022. For Booking Motivational Speaking Engagements and Workshop Facilitation of Episode, contact