
For A Great Work, LLC

For more information on these sessions on the Trinity. Contact me directly.


"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled” (Matthew 5:6)

Dearly Beloved, today, you will find a three part series study guide to grow in the knowledge of the Father, Son--Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost (Spirit). This was developed and created under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit after a follower emailed me from another nation asking for material on the Father, Son--Jesus, and Holy Ghost. The request was so sincere ending with please. Therefore, knowing you only get one opportunity sometimes to win a soul for Jesus Christ, I sought the Lord in prayer. It is my belief after you have completed the three part series, the mysteries of the Word of God, the Trinity characteristics and purpose, growth to produce life, and salvation will be released. Please take a journey in the Word of God and write down the spiritual nuggets you have gained. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your personal savior, today is the best day of your life to start. Take a step of faith into the marvelous light of Jesus Christ.

May the Spirit of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge be released to everyone that reads and study the series.

For the Master Service,

Lady Cynthia Kelly

God's Humble Servant

Evangelist, International Author, Motivational Wisdom Podcast Host