
For A Great Work, LLC

Hello Beloved,

“Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” (Romans 11:5)

Welcome to the climax ending the Behind the Veil Covenant Journey with the Impact Gathering which convened by virtual experience on November 4th, 2023, globally.

You will experience IMPACT of the "Spirit of Jubilation" and "Spirit of Revival" with an outpouring of the Glory of God.  Please click on the segments of the hi-lights of the gathering.

Thank you for taking time to enlighten your spiritual growth to be empowered, inspired, and transformed penetrating the heart with manifestation of "IMPACT" from Heaven. Look for the upcoming announcement for 2025, August 16, 2024, The Behind the Veil Covenant - The Lord's Designed Four/123 Days Journey Workshop/Training to book for your church or group setting.

Concluding, we challenge you to partner with us and support Ministry/Missions global outreach with the gospel message, compassion, and kindness shown preserving our reach for human sustainability and "Value of Life" to the less fortunate, children, youth, young-adults, women and men, worldwide for the purpose of Jesus Christ for the Kingdom of Heaven. Please support this ministry by clicking on the donate tab at the top, select ministry/missions.

Be Blessed,

Prophetess Cynthia Kelly