
For A Great Work, LLC

Throughout the global world, relationships is the number one important factor in building units of families, communities, churches, and business partnerships. When we as people begin to think of our relationships in a partnership sense, a living system; it will unlock unlimited possibilities of growth and human sustainability, targeting the core of the human society, “the heart.”

The nucleus of human beings is the soul (heart) with multiple layers to advance in either positive or negative relationships and strategic alliances. Each layer must be penetrated and peel back effectively to reach the core. A personal quote and affirmation, I have learned to live by  “A small package will never develop into a gift.” In the business world, this is called “collaborative advantage,” the assets, leverage, and value of a living organism making an impact and difference for the greater of society.

The relationship (human courtship term) phase, begins with a cultural climate growth phase to: grow, develop, fail, learn, and progress. At some point, all relationships fail in an individual perspective. But it is the lessons learned that develops successful and lasting relationships. Relationship building can no longer just be thought as a formal step-by-step system because it will surely dissolve after a term. What does it take for successful relationships and alliances? The art of “Selection, Courtship, and Marriage.” You will either soar like eagles or nest like birds.

Five Important Steps In Developing Successful Relationships and Alliances

  1. The attraction phase (discover a/if compatibility)
  2. The listening phase (key component). A relationship or alliance will never be built for successful outcomes if you are not listening to the “heart” of the person and having a one-sided view
  3. The engagement phase (make plans, vows, meet the family connected in the relationship)
  4. Bridge the gap phase (acknowledge differences and develop techniques to overcome differences)
  5. The marriage phase (working and growing together, sustainability of relationship)

For booking the workshop on "The Art of Relationships and Alliances," contact

​The Art of relationships and Alliances